all photography: Ian Hanham

Feeble Strength is…

David plays a guitar
Graham plays a guitar
Jesse plays drums
Adam plays a guitar

Feeble Strength is a DIY traditional rock band from London. So far, they’re most often compared to The Weakerthans, Superchunk, Tommy Keene, Guided By Voices and The Thermals, among others.

We sings songs of earnest self flagellation and shred from the hymnary of millennial irrelevance.

Here are some bands we’ve opened for:
Chubby And The Gang, Jeffrey Lewis, Martha, Supermilk, Fightmilk, Fortitude Valley, Mouses, Toodles And The Hectic Pity, Regal Cheer

We’ve played at UK DIY festivals like Til The Fest, Marrapalooza, Long Division, Right To Roam.

From an interview in Narc Magazine:

Who are you and where are you from?
My name’s David and I’m from Herra in Sunderland, down the road from where Jordan Henderson grew up, behind the old open cast pit that was turned into Herrington park.

What is it you do?
I write songs on the guitar and piano exploring what it’s like to be a downwardly mobile, geriatric millennial. But in an obtuse way, so that nobody ever knows what I’m going on about.

How long have you been doing it?
I’ve been playing in bands since I was 16. Among those, Mean Caesar, O’Messy Life, Withered Hand. Feeble Strength is a new band.

What inspires you?
Right now: early Christian martyrdoms and failed socialist New Jerusalems. People who stood up for their beliefs and died on their feet demanding to be worth more than society told them they were. Stories of people who help me imagine that we lived in a world where people had more consistent integrity and cared for one another more. I’ve also not always had the healthiest self esteem and I feel inspired by people who wouldn’t accept feeling shit about themselves. Harmonised guitars of the kind you hear in Thin Lizzy songs. The band ‘The Blue Nile’.
Punk! Punk has been my life raft a number of times and made me feel like I had something worth offering the world.

Tell us about your music.
With Feeble Strength I’ve written a record mostly of guitar jams that I like to think is an amalgam of Replacements, The Thermals, Lemonheads and Weakerthans. The guitar music of the 90s I suppose. I try to put a lot of thought into lyrics too.
I sit down with a guitar and try to put the Karl Marx quote about working people ‘selling their birthright for a mess of pottage’ to riffs.

the band feeble strength are sat at a table in front of a mirror, one is holding a half full glass of beer